Additional Products

additional products

Additional Products

Treasure Chocolate prides itself on its extensive range of additional products, designed to offer chocolate enthusiasts a diverse and indulgent experience. From the exquisite panning of nuts and chocolate-covered fruits to the intricate moulded shapes adorned with a variety of toppings, our offerings are crafted with precision and passion to satisfy even the most discerning palates.

One of our standout offerings is the panning of nuts and chocolate-covered fruits, a process that involves coating these delectable treats with a layer of fine chocolate. Whether it’s crunchy almonds, plump raisins, or succulent cherries, our skilled chocolatiers meticulously pan each piece to perfection, resulting in a harmonious blend of rich chocolate and flavourful nuts or fruits that offers a satisfyingly crunchy and indulgent taste experience.

In addition to panning, we  craft chocolate moulded shapes in various sizes and designs, each adorned with a tantalising array of toppings. Toppings such as nuts, dried fruits, popcorn, and contrasting chocolate add layers of texture and flavour, transforming each chocolate creation into a work of art that captivates both the eyes and the taste buds.

If you would like to discuss a project or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

Additional Ingredients
additional products
production line
Treasure Chocolate Logo

Treasure Chocolates Limited
1 Brunel Court
Brunel Road Earlstrees Industrial Estate
Corby NN17 4UB